Last week was orange. Clothing, a new handbag, and socks. Truly fabulous stripy socks that make me happy. March always sucks, but this one has sucked more than usual. Therefore, orange.
As I am waiting for yarn to arrive, I started another pair of socks to fill the time. With luck, I'll have all the socks out of my system before the Summer of Socks ever starts.
While I am trying to not torture my east coast friends with weather updates, I do have to report the earliest EVER spotting of the garage lizard. Although, to be honest, I think it's the judgy lizard from the patio slumming in the garage yesterday afternoon.
He looked good, chubby for a lizard, and perky. He did not seem to enjoy being called a mothafucka, but I can understand that. His fault for being where he's not allowed if you ask me.