The Norma had a contest and thanks to the random number generator, I won. Of course, the photo is a couple of hard drives ago, so the photo is even dodgier than normal. /sigh Anyway, it was the first batt that I ever encountered very early on in my life as a spindler. I wasn't totally sure what I was doing but didn't let that stop me.
I know I was spinning on a tiny little Goldling spindle that our Norma had also given me. Her life as a spinner was ending as I was starting. This meant I was blessed with quite a few things that she no longer had need or want of. I have no idea why she loved me so much but I will always be grateful.
After finishing the spinning, I plied. Again using the spindles because this was pre-wheel time. The plying job was bad, of course, but it didn't really matter because once the plying was done, I wound the yarn into a ball, shoved it into the stash and moved on. Never set it. Never counted anything. Nothing.
When I tossed the stash last week, I found that ball. For the first time, I felt sorry for it and pulled it. It wouldn't take long to soak etc and I've been on a roll lately. I decided to add some twist before soaking because someone would work with that yarn sooner or later. Right? That's when I realized that back in the day, all those years ago, I had plied in the wrong direction.
Running it through the wheel to fix the ply issue took longer than I thought but whatever. Going in, I was thinking this could be yarn that I could sent to a girlfriend who has never knit with handspun before. Someone who loves pink and would get a kick out of the yarn.
Then I saw the change that came over the yarn while plying it properly. Holy crap! The yarn opened up, got softer and I knew I had to keep it. I'll find something else for my friend. I'm sure I can find something pink somewhere in my stash.
I was surprised and kind of impressed at how even the singles were and what a nice yarn I ended up with once it was all said and done.
335 yards of 2 ply yarn. I'm guessing it was a merino/silk blend sort of a thing. Pretty impressive for someone who was just starting out on a spindle, I think.
I'm so glad that I pulled that ball of weirdness out of my hand-spun stash and turned into real yarn. It showed me how I have grown and improved as a spinner in the last 6 years, but it also reminded me that I was pretty good with a spindle back in the day.