Mostly because I have nothing*, but partly because we love these people. There's a tiny part of I-don't-want-whinging-later, too, but y'all are smart and knew that.
The Ruth of WoolyHeaded** fame posted about cookies today and shared a photo of the Damask that I knit for her. This is the Damask that someone *cough*Rachel*cough* was asking me about in tones that suggested I needed to get off my duff. The fiber is that wonderful merino/bamboo/nylon blend that our Joan does so well for her shop.
Btw, did y'all know that she's selling some of my handspun lace weight? She is. I've not mentioned it before because, frankly, it seems weird to be blowing my horn or whatever it is, but I don't want the whinging, so there ya go. To me, the coolest part is that I've got my own little tag over there. Even if it isn't for the colorway names I pick, but someone never uses. /sigh
(Would My Tiny Bitter Heart be such a bad name?! I mean really?)
Our Jessica, who has FINALLY updated her blog, has also drop kick started the Summer of Socks group thingy on the Ravelry. It's going to be LOW PRESSURE again this year, but there is a new twist that I think could be a lot of fun. This year, there will be the option of knitting a pattern with other like-minded folks during the same month. Designers and non-designers are all encouraged to weigh in with ideas. The last month's pattern will be voted on by the masses. Folks will be given a chance to suggest a pattern and then everyone will vote. The winning pattern will be knit (or not if you don't want to) toward the end of the Summer of Socks season, which starts on June 21 and ends some time in September. /vague hand waving
Also! I am trying to get back to everyone about Team CrankyPants. Thank you SO MUCH for all the interest. Btw, if there are any hardcore lurkers who don't want to comment or email me, you can find me on Ravelry and through my profile page find the Training Camp. From there, you can lurk more with or without joining. See how much I love my lurkers? :D
I'm also going to type up the refried bean recipe if I ever get a few minutes. It's crazypants over here and my right elbow has decided to act up to add to the fun. Just in time for yard work/green waste week. feh
But! I have been spinning and I can FINALLY show you the fluff.
I've been wanting to show you this put up since last year. However, y'all can guess why our Joan made me wait until this year to share. Look familiar? :D
This is 7+oz of organic wool that our Anne gave me last spring in a swap. The braid was a bit smooshed and cranky, so I sent it to Joan for drum carder after she had very naively offered to card my random weirdness. She knows me much better now and would no longer be willing to make such an offer, I'm sure. *L*
As you can see, she returned happy batts to me that I am now spinning up. Last year, I had been thinking cardi. Now, I don't know what I'm thinking. I haven't knit a stitch since Emily2 and I'm not totally sure what I'll knit next.
Btw, can I just tell you how THRILLED I am that Kieran Foley, the designer of Emily2, asked to use two of my photos for the pattern page of his lovely pattern? Beyond thrilled. I'd been a little worried because I had not knit Emily2 as written and didn't want him to think I had an issue with the pattern or anything. I only changed it to better suit my yarn. Thankfully, I think, he understood and must have liked what I did a tiny bit.
How cool is that?!
ps... LOVE those kids at Typepad! Looks like the splog issue has been dealt with and the search function made writing this post SO MUCH EASIER than it could have been. Love!
* Imagine how much I'd yammer if I had something to talk about. o.O
**Doesn't that sound better than just 'Ruth'? Yeah, I'm in a mood. Shut up!