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Tuesday, February 01, 2011


You and Joan are too funny :-)

You and Joan are the Lucy and Ethel of the knitting world:)
That fiber is beautiful!

You guys are like sisters. It's amazing!!

What a beautiful color!

Cindy is right - we are 13 & 14 year old sisters.

chuckle - sounds like our twins, who still call each other at least once a day, even at 40+ ;o)

What would you two do without each other?

I'm saving my pennies so I can buy fiber as beautiful as Rachel's!
You two should be neighbors or would that be too dangerous?

Lovely blue fluff...anxiously waiting to see the yarn it makes!

Lucy & Ethel like Karen said or maybe Shirley & Laverne! :D

I think you and Joan need to meet in person.

You are too funny! We had a squirrel incident like that this sumer. I couldn't figure oput who had thrown a tomato into my backyard, or why. My neighbor is the only one who grows tomatoes, but I couldn't imagine him throwing them into my yard ;) Turned out a squirrel had stolen it and was running along the phone wires and it fell out of his hands (paws I guess) or mouth. We found out when he stole the next one (which he did not drop). Who knew?!

Who knows why squirrels do the things they do?

That fiber made me say "yum."

That's some nice fluff. I had to go and scope out the batt-ista. I might have to splurge. I'll join Joan in blaming it on you. ;)

This is the best post title of 2011 (so far)!

Squirrels are incredible marauders! Just ask Mr. Jefferies! :D

I LOVE that Niagara color.

OH, AND BTW: Cleaning lady, who has just barely taken up knitting and really doesn't even know what she's looking at yet -- saw the new socks and drooled over them. Pretty sure she's a goner now. And when I told her you ["a friend from California"] knit them for me? The look on her face was priceless.

I totally agree with Joan.

Gorgeous Niagra fiber!!

There are orange trees all over the place around here! And lemon. The next door neighbor is putting in a lime tree - he says he's going to plant everything he needs for tequila and salsa. ;)

Of course it is your fault! and if you dedicate a moment or two to it I am sure you will manage to understand why!!!

Now, is that lovely all mine?!?
Oh my, aren't I lucky!

Don't even think about hiding one of those beauties under that sofa I have ways to see what's there! heheheheeeee

and stop wasting Joan time on the phone like that, she needs to dye things and card too and and,,,

Thank you very much! :)

Oh and I fully agree with Kym, that is one very beautiful color indeed! :)

Lucy and Ethel....I like it.


Nope, I'm siding with you on this one, Cookie. And as far as squirrels go, when I was a wee high schooler selling chocolate bars for band, I once had a squirrel run up to me, grab TWO out of the box with it's mouth, and haul ass up a tree before I could do anything. Tricky little buggers...

So why don't you two get speaker phone or blue tooth thingies and then we can get the blog fodder? I love that Niagara - it is really beautiful.

Wish my landlady had internetz--she keeps bringing us bits of old bread and fruit and crap, and telling us to pleeeeeeeeease stop feeding the squirrels. Um, lady? love ya, but you are crazy as they do it themselves! Check out the knitting blog for proof!!!1
and heyz, so if I divested some income your way, you would spin this for me??????????

So let me get this straight. I can buy fiber from Joan and get you to spin it if I bribe you? I'm in!

um, what now?

Yeah, you two should live next door to each other. As long as you both promised to only use your powers for Good...

Trebuchet?? Oh man, between trying to figure out who started it between you and The Joan and then getting lost in the OED for "a while" (ahem), you are (a) making my head hurt and (b) making ME not get much done! Looking for a Scrabble game...

Very pretty fiber. I would offer to spin that for a non-spinner too.

You two are just funny.

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