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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So not bored! They are all beautiful. Such pretty colors, too. You HAVE been a busy girl!

Bored? With your spinning? Never. It's all beautiful.

I don't know how much stash you have but are you drawn to knit with your handspun? Or is just the spinning enough for now?

Can't wait to see what you knit with these beautiful yarns!

I love the gradation of dark to light in the purple, that'll make one fabulous shawl!

I always love to see your spinning. And orange? Hooray!

I am never bored looking at handspun yarns. Yours are beautiful!

Wonderbar! (or however you spell that) So you did succeed in sock weight? How cool!

Wanna come play with my wheel and wool?

Did that sound dirty? Or is that just me? GOing to naughty corner.

What Carole said.

And I'm thinking that you are just the girl for a Jumbo Flyer.

I'll be in the naughty corner w/Stacey.


Beautimous, but you knew that.

Pretty yarn & pretty colors! I think I'd just put them all together in a bowl or some other such container as an object d'art and look at them. :)

Gorgeous!!! I love the purples, especially.

Really pretty stuff! I have to get back to my wheel now that we are past Christmas and all its craziness and houseguests.

Definitely not boring. Your spinning has come a long way!! They are all lovely. :)

Orange is the new pink? I can hope...though I do like both.

The purple stuff is gorgeous, but that bamboo stretches like a mofo when made into socks. Ask me how I know.

I myself have nice box of dark chocolate Godiva that sits right next to me, should the mood strike. It strikes regularly.

Never, ever boring! So gorgeous and I'm so jealous -- really hoping to get my hands on a wheel in the coming year (yes, dear spindles, I still love you.)

that will be a purty shawl. Going to finish it by next week ;b

Not only did you learn a spinning lesson with that pretty purple fluff, but you may end up with something spectacular out of it because of the color changes.

Bore us? with woollies goodness? what did you drink girl!?!

Wonderful, lovely stuff :)

I'm getting tired just thinking of all that spinning!

They are beautiful. Sounds like a drum carder is in order if you need to blend two bags that are slightly different colors to make on homogenous color.

Bored? Um. No. Beautiful yarn. I love the purple especially.

I love that plum purple yarn! Too bad I look like a sallow sad sack in that color -- otherwise you could knit me something out of it ;^)

everything is so lovely! well done!

also, i'm with bams. drum carder is next on the list. ;)

cuter, and

Happy New Year!

Your spinning really is amazing - I love the purple yarn.

Happy New Year!

Bored? What are you crazy? Very nice job! It's amazing the things we learn along the way eh?

The year of spinning, perhaps? Love the purple especially and your tentative plans for it. :D

Happy Wednesday, Cookie!

Ooh! A shawl in the purple would be fabulous! I can see the color shifting already!

Ok, I"m going to let you have it! I'm not happy with you at all. I know you just post all these pictures to make me hate my inabilities more and more. You flaunt your talent in my face with all of the beyond belief beauties! You make me jealous and resentful cause you spin sooooo well. I'm boycotting you for 1 day!

Good bye

What, you mean no one is going to input credit card numbers to subscribe to my 24-hour spinning webcam network?

I always love seeing what you have spun.

It will be interesting to see which pattern you choose for the 1616 purples.


*gasp* you mean you haven't shared everything you've spun? ;-) j/k. Love seeing the spinning! :)

Love all the purple but the Orange is to die for.

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