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Sunday, December 02, 2007


Great scarf! He better be tres tres appreciative! Hope you feel better soon!

Handsome scarf. I'm glad you overcame the yarn difficulties. Once you finish this round of sickness, you ought to be like good for the rest of the winter, having conquered all the new germs. (You are finishing it, right?)

It's pretty and manly at the same time. He better love it. Maybe a blast of steam through it just to kill off any soy loving germies. And I think Patons doesn't deserve you although Noro puts knots in without regard to color placement too.
Be well.

I have 8 balls if you're interested.

Glad you have overcome the challenges of counting to six. It is an evil number. It is taunting me in swatchland.

When are you going to get better already? This is not the optimal time of year to be sick. Not that there *is* an optimal time, it's just that it's particularly bad now. On the other hand, I'm in the mood for a couple days bedrest...

The scarf is great; you'd never know that you have such difficulty counting to six :-)

Great scarf! If you are really concerned -- and the biologist in me says "don't be" then spritz it with rubbing alcohol.

What a great scarf. Maybe in my lifetime, I could do something like that. Right now, everyone I know have received a plain old scarf lovingly knitted by yours truly. Right now I am busy trying to update my website and keep two young school age children on time for all their activities. And, lo and behold here comes winter vacation.

That looks great!!!!!!

Were you counting to six under or not under the influence of good cough medicine? It looks fabulous.

Oh I love the colors in that scarf. Thanks for letting me know that SWS is crap. I hate knots in my yarn. It brings on murderous rages.

excellent scarf!and I'm not usually an entrelac fan. I think its the grayscale palette that does it for me. Feel better!

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