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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


CHICKENS!!! We wanna see more chickens!


And socks. Don't forget the socks.

You could knit Jelly some outfits. Pinks! Fluffy! Princess-y! She's only 5 1/2 inches from shoulder to tail ... it would go quick. :D

I'm telling you... send help.

I think it's appropriate this pair of sock is for KnittyOtter. Who else should get your last pair for awhile?

Super socks and so great that there are matching items for cold weather!. Such a very lucky best friend.

They are so pretty! What is the yarn?


Thirty-seven is more impressive than I know how to express. Lace and chickens sound great. My mind is going in so many directions right now.

Wow, 37. I'd go absolutely crazy, you are so much more tenacious than I am.

I cannot even imagine knitting 37 pair of socks..maybe in a lifetime if you started young..but in a summer? /falls over.

My jaw literally dropped when I read that number. You're amazing. And not just b/c you are a prolific sock knitter! xx

The last?! Really?!?! I thought you had at least 5 more in ya. ;) It has been a long summer though. They are very pretty by the way. I'm sure your friend will love them. :)

37 PAIRS of socks? That's got to be a record. GOT.TO.BE.

Impressive! Time to rest on your laurels before you start knitting lacey chickens. Oh wait...you didn't mean...

Thirty-seven? Dood. That's monumental. :-)

I'm going to participate in the Southern Summer of Socks (for the Australian summer, it's starting October 1st) and you are an inspiration to me. I look forward to trying to do as well as you did.

I'm the luckiest Otter Ever!! :D

Thank you, sweetie. I LOVE the socks and your wonderful friendship.


Congratulations on second most SOS! I bow low to you!

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