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Friday, September 28, 2007


Do you like the nupps? I was afraid of them at first, but their cute puffiness entertained me, and plus I felt like I was doing something really hard and was impressed with myself.
Isn't it amazing how a far a little civility takes you these days?

You look harmless.. but then again, you can't judge a book by its cover. :D

Look no futher.. the ass end is here! It's the weekend! And rat dogs need legwarmers. Pink legwarmers. To match the tutu. WAIT! Mallard leg warmers!

This week has certainly been a challenge! Beauty of the moon yet the beast isn't far from the surface...I'm just talking about me. *g* Good manners and language will take a person far these days. I, too, wish more people would practice them.

I love to inspire ideas! I'll have to be earlier next time there's an opportunity.

Farm cleared for development= jen's heart breaking. No farmers, no food, people. Heavy sigh. I wish I could live long enough to see entire blocks of apartments and tract housing developments being leveled to make room for crops. Anyway..

I don't need a prize, but I still want to guess. I'm going to say 48. No yarn, no moth repellents, just a shot at being right. Right now, being right about something would be cheery. Also, with the nupps, just make the stitches impossibly, horrifically big. So big you say, this is waaaay too big, this can't be right. Then when you purl them together they lay all nice and flat and parallel.

*can't shut up* YOU? YOUNG? *cackles and runs away*

But what kind of bags are they? Big, huge contractor bags? Little bitty sandwich bags? Or nice mid-sized gallon ziplocks? Want to guess how many contractor bags we have of stuffed animals?

Yeah, let's blame it on the moon. Sounds good to me.

Or 6
Probably 9

September, which really sucked for quite a few of us, is OVER -- Yay!!! Here's to a return to the normal chaos of life.

It's amazing what kind of a effect a little politeness can have since there is so little of it today. Can't wait to see your Swallowtail! :)

Where ARE we going to put all the people in this here country if we keep growing like this?
I hope your week is better than last. Hugs to you.

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