Yes, more clear blue bright winter sky.
Big deal.
I think I like the cloud pictures better. Maybe next week.
I was just outside and it's still a bit brisk out there. o.0 Thankfully, I had Just 'Nilla to keep me warm while I sat on the patio, trying to take photos of socks.
I hate to think what the neighbors must think of me and the sockie nonsense.
In other news...
Stacey did that letter meme thingy and I always need something to write about, so she was kind enough to give me the letter 'P'. I wonder if she thought that would be a hard one for me. For those of you who don't know, the name on my driver's license starts with a 'P' . *L*
P is for:
Precious. My almost 18 year old cat... and, no, I did not name her. I would never do that to a cat.
Peas, which I love eating and growing. Even though, it's too late in the season to plant them for spring here. How wrong is that, btw?!
Pink. The color, not the singer. She freaks me out. While a bit of a tomboy growing up, I seem to have discovered my inner eight year old and she loves pink shit and Hello Kitty. The jury is still out on this one, btw.
Palm trees. I love dates and they come from a certain kind of palm tree, and I sit under a potted palm while on the computer. It is currently in bloom. Photo to follow the next time I have nothing to talk about I'm sure.
P.O. Box. I love mine. Is that wrong? Don't answer that.
Passport. I need to renew mine. After I find it. :? The photo was taken when I was 17. I looked like a hostage. Think they'd let me keep that pic? I mean I haven't changed all that much in the last 20 years.
Pond. Okay... Frog Pond is my back-up LYS... and I used to think I wanted a pond. Then I smelled one a few Julys ago and realized life was too short to smell that kind of a smell every day.
Panda. Love. Both the bears and the boy who has been strapped to that as a nickname.
Paraffin. I love my paraffin hand spa thingy. Used it last night in fact because my hands were aching from the creeping cold.
Pollywogs! A part of childhood was going down to the creek with a five gallon bucket and collecting pollywogs for my mother. She was working at a daycare that took care of city kids. She brought them a tiny part of the country life to them.
Done! Totally easy, too. This is why I wanted to do a photo version, Stacey. :p
Tomorrow, bloglines, Socks of Love!
Well, you still could do photos. I wonder too what the neighbors think. My landlord caught me one day with some socks in a bush, taking pictures. I just kind of looked at him like "What? This isn't normal?"
Posted by: Stacey | Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 01:22 PM
Hey, that's the second imte that the word Pollywog was used in a knitting blog. How totally WEIRD. Pretty blue sky. Our's is grey. And there is wet stuff falling out of it. NOT pretty.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 02:09 PM
Socks?! I have to wait another day to see them. You are so mean to me! *L*
I'm glad you are using your parrafin hand spa thingy. ;^)
Gimme a letter...
Posted by: KnittyOtter | Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 04:45 PM
I feel like I should have my cheerleading sweater on tonight reading your blog..GIVE me a P... if I was EVER a cheerleader? Cheerleader reject...psshhhh...I look at where some of those former cheerleaders are today, it's not pretty..and they look really old..and fat..and bloated.
..maybe I made up the bloated part.
Posted by: Ann | Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 06:08 PM
Your driver's license name is Pookie?
/runs away giggling.
Posted by: Susan | Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 07:13 PM
Ohhh! I want a letter, I want a letter. *jumps up and down n giggles* (while laying in bed pretending she's not sick)
That was fun! Lets do it again sometime!
Posted by: sprite | Monday, January 15, 2007 at 10:18 PM